Get Your New Music Here
There’s a ton of new music coming out every day. We all need filters to help point us to what’s new, good and different. How do you get straight to the great stuff? Here’s some of my fast lanes:
First, the New Music Tipsheet ( where Scott Perry alerts us to what’s new on iTunes every week. Always good for staying on top.
You might want to sign up for the newsletter from RCRD LBL (, they’ll send you a link to a free hot pick MP3 every day. These are tastemakers with taste.
NPR Music has gotten past it’s stodgy reputation and has developed a gift for picking the hits. Go here, and sign up for their song of the day as well.
For the latest and the best in what is going on in New York City, read
And for a slightly more interactive approach, go to Pandora ( and set up a radio station or six. Besides the artists you like, you’ll discover some of their kindred musicians who’ll expand your sonic universe.
Again…let me know where YOU go for great music info. Just like courtesy, inspiration is contagious!